
personal note.

so i thought maybe i should possibly talk about myself instead of crafts? just for an update i suppose. i'm goings to be 36 weeks this week! EEEEE! [for you taryn.] it's kinda flown by. i've had 2 baby showers and possibly one more on the way. my lil neighbor ladies wanna have one. they need to hurry before it's too late! everything has been pretty good. for the last month or so i've felt more aching and largely pregnant. i take advantage of being pregnant and being able to rest:) it's nice.

yesterday i took a bath while watching gilmore girls [it never gets old.] and making a beanie [pictures coming up next:)] this time, i took a pillow in with me. sooo comfy! pillows are like a sponge tho, i spent forever trying to squeeze all that water out. then threw it in the dryer. why have i never thought of that before, i'm not sure. but it made the bath more tolerable.

mi madre & padre were here on friday [after they flew in from missouri] and hung out for a bit. my mom and i hit up target because i'm dying from the heat, in my own house [!!!], and bought me a little fan.
[catching up on my human development too. that's the book under the itty fan]
theeeeen we just happened to walk over to the baby section. as i was reorganizing my baby clothes the other day i noticed i didn't have many newborn clothes. like maybe 5 outfits. and that's just not gonna work for me. so we bought some newborn clothes. and tried to find some pajamas. i think i'm picky because it was difficult. and a lot of them seemed like they'd be too hot or too tacky for her. but we found one. also, found a little lady bug outfit, she's gonna be a ladybug for halloween i guess!:) hopefully she still fits in newborn stuff by then. or she'll just squish into it.

now i only have a few things left on my list. we have a baby money stash so maybe one of these days i can convince greg to do some more baby shopping. he still might be in denial that there is actually a baby in this growing belly of mine that will be here shortly. but we're NOT shopping for baby crap in october. unless we like absolutely have to.
it's gonna be interesting/kind of almost fun to see how long these diapers last...
bumbo, boppy, bath, and bouncy chair.
dang, got it with all Bs.
go me.

blankets galore.

her crib.
i feel like it something is missing. maybe i should buy her some throw pillows or something:)
a swing i put together the other day.
why let it just chill in the box?!
and the matching pack n play.
with a changing station and newborn napper.
that's what it says on the box ok?
now back to the craftiness.

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