
bebe update

as you can see on my baby tracker thing i'm almost 38 weeks! crazy. but! i am already dilated to 5 cm!!! well, on thursday i was--hopefully i'm a little more by now. i think i figured out that i got dilated so fast because we've been taking stella on walks 2x a day for about 30 mins each. i need to remember that for next time. this weekend i think i tried everything--acupressure, more walking, primrose oil, peppermint oil, fennel seed oil...lunges, squats, jumping [jacks]..i think that's all. i hope she's getting the hint that it's time to move on out. i might make it to my next appointment, unfortunately...hopefully i will be so far a long that the doc will just be like "walk over to the hospital and lets get 'er outta here!" that'd be so totally awesome. i've been having some contractions, but i've learned that what i've been feeling isn't anything to worry about really and i just need to wait it out til i can't breath, talk, or walk any more. hmm, sounds lovely...can't wait.

saturday night i had one last baby shower before her arrival with all my neighbors. it was actually quite fun. we are the youngest kids on the block:) on our end of the street, the last kid to be born was 32 years ago! crazy...and that gives you an idea of the age of our neighbors;) it was fun to get to know them a little better and be all together at one time. they're fun, entertaining people. the food was delish too. just dessert, but i'm always fine with that. punch, cheesecake, cookies, AND cake balls on a stick--oh. my. goodness. those things were fabulous! the lady said you just make a cake, crumble it up, mix it with frosting, make them into balls, let them chill, then frost/ice them! sounds so good, right?! they're ridiculous. i took some home and then i noticed a whole plate full that greg brought home too--i'm sure someone handed them too him, he didn't fill up a plate for himself...

aaaaanyhoo, i think that's about it. we're ready for bebe girl to show her pretty little head. hopefully greg isn't at school when it happens tho. not sure how long i'd be able to wait. greg's aunt said to call her and she'd take me to the hospital if greg wasn't home. sooo that's our "plan" i guess right now...


  1. I am so sympathetic... I know that feeling of just wanting baby here :) But at the same time...it should be a breeze and FAST for you! 5cm already? SO LUCKY! :) Good luck!!

  2. that totally reminds me of Desperate Housewives, when all the neighbors get together:) Good luck!! and you know who to call with last minute questions.... TARYN!! HAHA!
