
my first

well, i finally did it. whoop whoop. as i figure more out about this flippin thing, of course i will add more and get more crafty and what not but as for now, this is whatcha get. enjoy it.

so, we are on week 2 of having a puppy in our house. what a fun time it has been. almost like havin a brand spankin new baby! almost. the cutie barks in the middle of the night--either because she hates being caged up or because she has to pee. we assume that it's because she has business to do so we let her out many times a night and cage 'er back up. she yaps for a bit then, like a sweet baby, yaps herself to sleep. she has been quite entertaining.

this was her first day with us. i love how she lays down--cracks me up

tonight, she discovered the bottom shelf of the book shelf. soon she'll be too big to walk in there!

i guess she finds it comfy? she seems to like laying on the tile and wood floors better than carpet.

i like to think she's smiling:)


  1. O.M.G. I just popped your comment cherry. Sorry, that was so gay but I had to...Welcome to Blogspot my dear.
