
bebe shower! [lots of pix]

i had bebe shower #1 last weekend. twas a success. small success. not sure where the heck everyone was but for those who came, it was fun and thank you. [steph i know you were out of town, it's coo]

here are some pix of the goods.
of course we had tons of food. perhaps too much but that's how we do.
the "theme" was zebra. i found the plates first, then the invitations and there ya go.
my mom, sister, and friend [taryn] made all the cupcakes and decorated them. they shoved a little baby into 3 of them and whoever got the baby got a little prize:)
they split up the food too.

here is a diaper cake that taryn made...with the help of stephanie.
i think it looks fab.
and no, the top does not double as a hairpiece.

here is happy happy tikks.

don't be mad taryn. it's not my fault.

emily & kim.
everyone there heard the story i'm SURE but here it goes again.
kim and i were friends in missouri. she just moved to tucson with her husband a month ago and she came up for the shower! we haven't seen each other in almost 9 years--crazy! it was pretty sweet tho.

tiff spitz & heather!

silly tiff, heather, & i.
old trailer trash roomies:)

waiting patiently to open presents.

heather's fabulous cake.
she snuck lil goodies in/on hers.
a cute n soft lil beanie, bear, a star w/ a hook [to hang junk], pacifier & clip, and a bib!

cuuuute lil hooded owl blanket.

a musical guitar toy.

itty bitty lil zebra shoes!

stylish onesies.

a blanket made by my gma.

confused face.

jason came to pick up emily and decided to join in on the festivities.
we're awesome.

me & tikks, lookin all black thanks to san diego. psssh.

me & my sister, brittany.
she's bending over somewhat awkwardly, she's really not shorter than me.

me & taryn...crackin up bout something.

me, rikenna, taryn, and tristain.
lots of stripes goin on.

mi madre, me, & brittany.
that's all.


  1. SO I totally forgot to tell you!!! We went to some friends' house after your shindig and shared our cupcakes with the family... and the mom found the last baby! AHAHAHA it was awesome. I hadn't even thought to warn them, whoops.

  2. Looks like a fun shower! Love the last pic with your mom and sister. Haven't seen them in forever!!!

  3. haha shut up emily! ah i thought we found it or i thought rikenna got it?! that's so funny.

    thanks katie, it was! i know it has been forever!

  4. I wanted to be there so bad, but Paul was taking the NCLEX and that was kinda important :) I looks like it turned out awesome! (and now taryn knows how to make a diaper cake)

  5. it's all good, no worries!:) ha yup now she can make em for everyone!
