

so i decided i don't want my junk all over the place as i grow in size over the next few months [apprx 6 months...] so i bought me some spanx! ...and assets!
SUPPOSEDLY you can buy your prepregnancy size and the belly part is extra loose so it stretches with your stretching belly. gross. so i gave em a try and i like em right now. hopefully the rest of my bod doesn't bust out of them!

i bought spanx like 3 years ago and buying these 2 pairs were cheaper than the one pair i bought! by like $20! i couldn't believe it and that's why i figured it'd be ok to buy 2. and i'm gonna be wearin them quite frequently so yeah, need more than one. anyhoo, i guess you could say this is my first maternity purchase. next i think i shall buy a pillow. or just use a body pillow. or one of those bella bands or whatever they're called. i've been unbuttoning my pants quite frequently.

should i tell how i found out that i was preg? besides aunt flo not stopping by, how rude of her. my friend, good ol mom taryn, told me for a few days to go buy a preg test. i was so nervous/embarrassed. then i found a coupon and ran all over town trying to find one. [ept to be exact, but any would do] i went to frys and safeway and they didn't have ANY preggers test. so i went over to walmart and they had some. i bought it and the [female] checker did a deep exhale! so i ran home, well sped home and tried to pee, nothing. so i had to wait. ALL THE WHILE i was texting taryn the minute play by play of everything that was happening. to relieve some stress i decided to dye my hair:) so i gave myself a little bleach bath then got a little jar to pee in to "fully SATURATE" before i could even pull up my pants there was the stinkin little +! i was saying "oh no no no no no no no" as i ran to get my phone and called taryn. as soon as she answered i screamed "ITS POSITIVE!!!!" and she was screaming and laughing as i was panically [<--ha is that even a word?!] crying and couldn't believe it. she was giving me ideas for creative ways to tell greg [he was at school for a little while] but i told her i had bleach on my head so i couldn't go anywhere. so i peed again just to do both then put em in a ziploc bag and put em on the table to wait for greg to come home.

he came home and talked a little then he walked passed the table, looked at it but kept walking then backed his thing up and looked at em again and said "are they both positive?!" with a nervous chuckle. i covered my mouth and started crying again as i shook my head yes. he hugged me and then we sat in shock for the next little bit.

we have gone to the doctor once to see the lil grape [now a plum:)].

i have also finished an entertaining book, that was a little on the extreme/dramatic side but i enjoyed it.
now onto my other books! my goodness this was long! so sorry.


  1. also I hear that Target has a cheaper version of the bella band.... I would get a few. And at makeit-loveit.com she shows how to make some out of jersey knit (or something stretchy) if you sew.

  2. taryn was the first person i called too. (besides paul of course) isn't she just amazing!!

  3. haha, shnap that cracked me up. It seriously was just like that though...

  4. I had no idea about pregnant-lady spanx!! Not that would have helped me though, I was too huge...
