
i'm board.

more boards. yay.

i'm pretty pleased with this one.
painted it green, then cream, gave it a good rub with brown and black glaze and sanded. ["in wonder" is brown vinyl]

[no flash pix]

this one i'm not a huge fan of soooo i think she's gonna get redid.
the sander got a little excited and took off too much of the S
i used black glaze on this one too. didn't do a whole lot. it looks orange but it's coral. i think cuz the glazed darkened it a bit made it more orangey.
whatevs. it's coo. still have about 3 more to do! woot woot. prob not this week tho. well maybe one more today.


  1. Oh my gosh-you crack me up. Where are you putting all your crafts?

  2. right now they're leaning against a bookshelf. i want to try to sell them tho. that bow board will be on a wall shortly:)
