
la-de freakin-da

not much has happened! just family for weeks. thanksgiving is next week. i think it is my least favorite holiday, even though its all about eating!!! it's weird i know. i think its just cuz tradition bothers me--having a freakin turkey every single year, blah. or maybe it's just the turkey. not a fan of it. my delightful mother has taken that to heart and gets a ham for me [and who ever wants to eat it]. this year we are flying up to minneSODA for good ol turkey day. it might be fun!

stella is HUGE! she's still considered a puppy...she's 7.5 months! she cracks us up so much--she does the funniest things! she's all about doing somersaults [totally had to go to dictionary.com for that word:P] she is becoming more cuddly, but not much. she will sit right next to me on the love sack! i think it's so cute. i taught her how to roll over! she doesn't always like to do it but oh well.

the semester is almost over! i can't believe it! it's gone by so flippin fast! it's good tho. next semester will be tough so i'm gettin ready for a full schedule. how fun.

1 comment:

  1. Tiffany-you are definitely right... Your life is much too boring to blog about :) Thanks for the update though! Glad we stick with email to communicate most of the time... :)
